Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Egg, Cheese, and Raspberry "Sandwich"

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yadda yadda yadda . . . but it can't be denied that after all those hours of restful slumber (who am I kidding . . . but still!), your body needs fuel to kick start the day.  I work full-time, fly solo with our boys in the morning, and refuse to sacrifice my already few and precious hours of sleep for a significant chunk of time to whip of breakfast, but I definitely dig a hot, hearty, and healthy meal if I have to be up before the sun anyway.  My solution has been to have a few "go-to" breakfasts that literally take me a few minutes to put together while making lunch for myself, packing a snack and getting the Bean's backpack ready, and trying desperately to get the IV started on my coffee.

I realize this might sound wacky, but it's all yum . . . promise.

1 slice whole wheat bread
1 egg
olive oil cooking spray
1 wedge Laughing Cow cheese (I prefer something with a little flavor on this one . . . Light Bleu Cheese and Light Queso Fresco Chipotle are my faves)
1 T homemade raspberry jam*

Toast the bread.  Simple.

Spray a small skillet with olive oil cooking spray and heat.

Crack egg.  (I did say this was easy, right?)

Wait for toast and egg.  I cook the egg on one side until the white is opaque and the "goo" isn't so gooey, then turn off the burner and flip it.

Spread Laughing Cow on the toast, spread raspberry jam on top of that, and plop your egg right on top.


* Side note: I refuse to buy jam packed with junk at the store.  Check out that long list of strange ingredients.  Jam should = fruit which should = delicious and remotely healthy, not packed with chemicals.  Raspberry jam is insanely simple to make on your own with more or less equal parts white sugar (or less) and mashed raspberries.  No pectin required and that lovely red color?  All natural.  No nasty Red 40 here.  While I've done this before, I am also fortunate to have pretty much the world's best mother-in-law who makes jam with my boys in the summer like it is going out of style. 

* Side-side note: I add a bowl of blueberries on the side.  Yes, pretty much everyday.  They are not only delicious, but insanely good for you.  In the winter we buy frozen.  In the summer we do fresh as well.

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