Sunday, January 8, 2012

So yesterday we took the boys to Brunswick Zone XL.  Mr. B, four, spent all morning and early afternoon excitedly reminding me that "We haven't been bow-ing in in a wong time!  This is going to be fuuuuun!" only to throw his hands up and quit after his first ball took approximately 437 minutes to reach the pins.  No amount of cajoling or encouragement would convince him that it was okay and he should try again.  He instead spent the whole time reminding us how hungry he was.  Dude.  Eat something.  Anyway, the rest of us had a blast and happily bowled our hearts out.  The Bean, six, took the whole thing very seriously and made it his goal to bowl better for himself than his brother.  Competition is strong.  For my part, I was crossing my fingers right up until the very end that I'd overtake hubby's score and swore the 10th frame was going to make it happen for me.  It didn't and I didn't.  (But I'm still clueless about where the Bean gets his competitive streak.)

After bowling we headed to the arcade and threw $20 on a card.  I will say that the card lasted a relatively long time, but only because Mr. B and Daddy spent most of the time "pwaying the racing game" while the Bean and I played every other cheesy arcade game known to man.  PURE JOY!  Seriously.  Total hoot!  We even "won" an Angry Birds green pig when the game stole our money and the high school kid who worked there sweetly opened the machine and let the Bean pick out whatever he wanted.  Worth $20 to see the look on his face when he got his hot little hands on that silly green pig?!  You betcha'!

We followed up the craziness with dinner out and a family movie at home.  Lots of cozy good times to be had by all.  There is nothing like being surrounded by those souls who love you best and for whom you'd give anything in the world . .. just relaxing and living the good life.  Sometimes you just gotta' slow it down.

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